Words have become my lifeline

Words have become my lifeline

I have never been one for many words. I enjoy deep and informative conversations but tend to listen better than talk. For the past two years, however, words have been my only contact with other people.

The words that I speak and hear

Phone conversations have made me anxious before. Nowadays, a phone call has become my new gift. I look forward to hearing someone’s voice. My weekly call with my mother is like a constant to which I cling. I am grateful for the privilege of hearing her voice. After we shared information about the well-being of family and friends, we discussed our passions and interests. We also delight in the precious moments and positive memories of the past. It is always special to hear my mother laugh.

My boys do not like phone calls either. However, these days we talk on the phone for hours. We have previously expressed our love for each other by spending time and doing activities together. Often, it happened in silence because each other’s presence was enough. We helped each other with tasks or enjoyed little surprise gifts. Touch, as an expression of caring, happened in passing. Words are now all we have.

The words that we write and read

I experience writing as a valuable way to get rid of the emotions that want to overwhelm me. It helps me make sense of how I feel. The paper does not give advice, listens patiently, and gives me perspective. During my divorce, I pinned down my emotions in poetic form. With us moving to Switzerland, my regular letters help me to make sense of events, keep in touch and keep memories alive on paper.

I like to read and often find answers to my questions in written form. Often, I even find encouragement in written pieces, poems, and wise words of people on social media. I have learned to be selective with the type and the source of the information I read. Words have a significant impact on my mind, my feelings, and my actions.

Words are powerful

Words are a carrier of information and emotions. It has an impact on other people. If words become one’s only form of connection, you must choose them carefully. It is vital for the one who speaks it but also for the one who hears it. Words can build, inspire, motivate, acknowledge, and convey love. However, it can demean, discourage, and sow doubt and uncertainty.

Our words are a confirmation to the world of how we see others, our lives and ourselves. When we say something out loud, these words become the truth for ourselves but also for all who hear them. We must select our words carefully to ensure they are positive and convey the truth. We cannot retract our words.

The pen is mightier than the sword

I appreciate the idiom that says, “The pen is mightier than the sword.” Written words can convince, educate, enlighten others, and bring about more change than violence or abuse of power can ever do. It allows others to reflect on the words, experience emotional responses, and take action of their own free will.

Words have become my lifeline, and I am grateful to everyone who helps me keep my head above water with the exchange of words.

Kind regards


2 thoughts on “Words have become my lifeline

  1. I loved this post, Emsia. As you can imagine, it’s one I relate to! Your thoughts about the influence words can have on us, especially when it comes to social media, is so true. We need to be guard our hearts sometimes as there are many careless people on social media.

    1. Thank you Chantelle. Yes, social media is a very powerful platform, both positive and negative.

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