Chapters in the book of life

Chapters in the book of life

The book of life has different chapters. Unlike any other book, we don’t know how many chapters there are, and we can’t cheat and see how the story ends.

As a naive teenager, I invented a perfect storyline for my life book. I visualized the location, background, other characters in my life story, and time frames for important events. With quite a few chapters already completed, I can only shake my head and laugh at my naivety.

However, I came to some insights and conclusions.

We are not the author of our life books

I quickly realized I am only a character in my life book; I do not have the author role.

The storyline, therefore, remains a surprise even for the main character. In an interesting story, constantly exciting events and plots help the main character develop and prepare for the following chapters.

During the story, supporting characters enter, leave, and take on different roles and character types. Some characters appear in large parts of the book, but others only appear in single chapters.

Every book is unique and original

The Author has carefully planned the background, circumstances, side characters and message, and each book’s storyline and characters are unique and original.

Each main character’s development is at its own pace. However, for the character development to happen, the main character must overcome challenges, learn lessons, and come to new insights. Sometimes several challenges and situations are necessary before the main character learns the required life lessons.

We play different characters in different books

Each of us is the main character in our own life book but plays other roles in other people’s life books. Different character types are required to keep the story interesting, develop the main character, and bring out specific characteristics of the main character.

Sometimes the character type of players changes as the book progresses. Confidants can turn into antagonists when a breach of trust occurs. I am some people’s catalyst for growth and have the antagonist role in a few other stories.

The chapters are short

Chapters full of challenges sometimes feel like they will go on forever. I now realise that a life book’s chapters are short. Sometimes circumstances force the main character into a new chapter, and other times he or she makes the decision to change.

The main character must therefore take advantage of the opportunities and make the most of the role in each chapter. They must utilise the experience and lessons learned in the following chapters.

Other people’s stories are valuable tools

The Author of my life book uses other people’s stories to provide me with many answers to my questions and new perspectives. Other people’s life books are, therefore, valuable tools. In addition, it motivates and helps me better understand my role in my own story.

I can see clearly now

Over the years, I have found many answers and wisdom in Dr James W Dyer’s books. His memoir, published late in his life, impacted my thinking about my life and events. In his memoir, he shared events and crossroads in his life from an 84-year-old perspective. He concluded,

“I wasn’t aware of all of the future implications that these early experiences were to offer me. Now, from a position of being able to see much more clearly, I know that every single encounter, every challenge, and every situation are all spectacular threads in the tapestry that represents and defines my life, and I am deeply grateful for all of it.”

We will also find meaning and insight in our own life stories if we look from a current perspective at the events and the lessons we have learned from them. That way, we might find answers to all the why questions.



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