Life’s purpose and meaning questions

Life’s purpose and meaning questions

Why are we here? What is it that we offer? How can we present our offering in a way that sets us apart? Simon Sinek explains in a popular TED Talk how the most successful organizations think, act, and communicate if they start with Why. There are similarities between the questions that organizations need to ask themselves and what we as individuals need to ask ourselves.

Personal purpose and meaning

Each of us arrives as a unique individual on earth to contribute to a better society. During our first 18 years, our parents and help us prepare for the cause. We also discover some of our passions and talents. During our late teenage years, we begin to ask ourselves the Why, What and How questions. Having a purpose is an important aspect of a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Some people answer these big questions through meaningful, satisfying work. For others, their purpose lies in their responsibilities to their family or friends. Some people manage to live out their purpose in all aspects of their lives. There are many ways in which we can live out our purpose.

Change is the only constant in life

The one certainty of life is that it is constantly changing. Circumstances around us change, but life experiences and phases cause inner change to take place as well. Change in circumstances can lead to a change in the way we contribute. Sometimes a feeling of boredom, unmotivated, or uselessness causes us to ask the “Why”, “What”, and “How” questions.

The way we live out our purpose and contribute can be very different during different phases of our lives. However, there are always needs around us that we can address through our knowledge, skills, and experience. Usually, it requires us to get out of our comfort zone. It is, however, very fulfilling to live out your purpose.

My own journey with purpose and contribution

People and personal growth are topics close to my heart. I have, therefore, years ago completed a Diploma in Coaching. During the training, we had to articulate our “purpose”. I thought about the role I have played in various circumstances over the years and considered my values. It also helped to obtain the perceptions and opinions of people close to me. I expressed my purpose as follows:

Putting my “purpose” into words helped me identifying ways to put it into practice. I was motivated to take the necessary risks and tackle challenges to move forward.

After all the change and adjustment in Switzerland, I again reached the point where I had to confront myself with the Why, What and How questions? I decided to contribute through coaching. I would like to use the skills and techniques I learned along with my life experiences to help others find answers to their questions.

Please Contact Me if you are at that point where you are thinking about your big life questions and can find value in a coaching process to help you find the answers to these questions in a structured way.



One thought on “Life’s purpose and meaning questions

  1. Thank you for sharing this Emsia. I agree that big changes bring big personal questions. I can see you’re passionate about helping people in this way. 🙂

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