Dirt road lessons about balance

Dirt road lessons about balance

During the last few months of the year, there are more tasks than time. For large parts of my life, I have felt this way throughout the year.

Between raising children, a career, a clean home, healthy meals, exercise, and volunteering, having balance was a challenge. I later believed I had balance if things did not fall apart.

Dirt road lessons

However, I learned a valuable lesson about balance after getting a flat tire on a dirt road. After the mechanic helped me, he recommended that I balance and align the wheels and explain what damage the lack thereof can cause to a vehicle.

This preventative measure prolongs the life of the tires.  In addition, it has a positive impact on their performance and other aspects such as fuel consumption. Often the lack of balance and alignment are not noticeable. However, we can see and experience the impact of it when it is too late.

Balancing my car wheels was easy. The question, however, was how do I find balance in my own life? It was clear to me that the lack of balance could cause immense damage to my life and relationships. When you have balance within yourself, you manage to stay calm during chaos. Balance is a decision. However, it remains for me a pursuit and something I must consciously pay attention to, just as I must regularly balance my car’s wheels.

Life lessons about balance on the path of life

I learned some valuable lessons in my pursuit of having balance in my life:

  • One thing at a time. I can do anything I want, but I cannot do everything, especially not everything at once. I must decide what is important to me and give priority to it. It is important to focus on one thing at a time or, everything else suffers harm. I cannot write a report and listen to my child’s story at the same time.
  • Want-to-do activities are also important. I need to make time for both the must-do activities as well as the want-to-do activities. The things I do for pleasure or fulfilment help me complete the must-do activities with positive energy. Painting a picture or having a conversation with a friend may not seem essential.  However, it helps me be a friendly and patient wife and mom.
  • Live healthily. I need to eat healthy and nutritious meals, drink enough water and exercise regularly. Sleep is critical to feeling fresh and full of energy. When I sleep too little, I am sensitive, and small challenges suddenly become mountains.
  • Learn to say no. I have an exaggerated sense of responsibility. It causes me to say yes to too many must-do-activities and to postpone too many want-to-do activities. I had to learn to say yes and no in line with my priorities. I had to learn to see and treat myself like a best friend.
  • Ask for help. I find it difficult to ask for help in the fear that I may bother someone or look incompetent. On the other hand, I experience it positively if someone else asks for my help, and I can contribute. I now understand that we need each other in marriage, family, circle of friends and community. We cannot do this thing called life alone.


Our lives, like a wheel, need balance. A tyre or wheel that is out of balance wobbles and causes damage. Sometimes it is necessary to stop for a while and do what is required to find balance again. You are welcome to contact me if a conversation with a coach can be of value to you.



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