Signs of a future without masks

Signs of a future without masks

In Europe, Spring has arrived in all her glory. While Spring showed off her beautiful outfits, Winter made an unexpected comeback. Overnight, temperatures dropped from 20 to -6 degrees. Spring’s multi-coloured display picked up some damage. Luckily it looks like it’s just temporary, and she’s shaking her tail feathers for an excellent seasonal show.

Unexpected Covid-winter during our new season in Switzerland

Similarly, Covid unexpectedly arrived a few months after the start of our new season in Switzerland. We had many plans for new friendships and experiences during our planned three years in Switzerland. Let go and let God has acquired a new meaning for us. My friend challenged me with a good question.

“What change has the new season in Switzerland brought to you, Emsia?”

We had many lifestyle changes in Switzerland. However, I am sincerely grateful for the insight the Covid winter has brought me.

Covid Insight

All my life, I have been a person who values action. I was always planning or doing something. A life of action was my vehicle for living my values and purpose. My name means “to be of service”.

After a career of 27 years in South Africa, I quickly updated and sent out my CV here in Switzerland and started talking to contacts. In line with my perspective, I needed a job opportunity to make a difference.

Covid, especially in another country, has significantly limited my employment opportunities. However, the circumstances showed me that I had to change the word “doing” to the word “being”. Instead of doing things for others, I had to learn to be there for them.

It had to start with my own family, of course. I had to learn to be more present, listen, and observe. I am a natural planner and had to get to know the place and value of spontaneity and intuition. Combining creativity with these two helped me live lighter and enjoy life more. However, change is a process, and I sometimes fall back into my old familiar ways.

Spring after the Covid winter

Fortunately, I can hold on to the certainty that seasons will change. The Covid season is changing worldwide. Here in Switzerland, there are no more Covid measures. I almost feel guilty for being on the train without a mask. It’s so awesome to see people’s faces again and share a smile.

For the first time in a long time, Zander can go on school outings and play sports against other schools. It creates excitement and new experiences.

Parents can also re-enter the school grounds and meet each other. Everyone is excited about the annual International Festival happening again. During the event, families from all over the world will celebrate diversity and culture. There will be 24 stalls with food prepared by the parents of the respective countries.

We are three South African mothers working together to ensure that South Africa also has representation. A new mom from Ukraine will do the same for her country with the help of other moms.

The new normal

As we adjust to a new normal and are excited about the new opportunities and experiences, I am very aware of the vital lessons I have learned during the Covid winter in a new country.

We plan to stay in Switzerland for a few more years. It is more time to focus on being rather than doing.

Enjoy the new season, the new normal and Easter weekend.



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