Letters carry words and emotions

Letters carry words and emotions

In Switzerland, the postal system is efficient, and the residents take full advantage of it. Residents send invitations and thank you cards by post like we used to do in South Africa. The Post In Switzerland delivers the daily mail in distinctive yellow delivery vehicles. I have seen in the smaller towns how they ring the doorbells of the retired residents and hand over letters along with friendly chat.

Picture by Kyburz Switzerland

It is precious to receive a handwritten thank you note in the mail. It feels like something of the sender’s intention arrives with the note. I love letters and save everyone I receive. When I had to pack our belongings into storage room boxes during our move, I got lost among all the letters received in the past that brought up many precious memories.

I value written words

I value words. Words are powerful and can heal, motivate, and communicate matters of the heart. However, it can also hurt. Letters carry words and accompanying emotions and have always played a significant role in society. When we moved to Switzerland, my letters to family and friends became a lifeline.

Writing letters is a way to keep in touch with the people who are precious to me. It forces me to reflect on what is happening in my life, process events and then express it in words.

Letters for difficult conversations

I have used letters in the past to convey difficult messages. Some were just a good outlet for pent-up anger and frustration. Fortunately, afterwards, I tore them up into small pieces and threw them in the trash.

After difficult conversations, I can usually think of many other things that I wish I had said or put in a better way. Words on paper give me time to think and make sure I choose them carefully to convey the message with the right intention. Words on paper are more permanent, and I have learned that I must write these letters with the long term in mind.

Letters to my sons

I like to recognise special events in my children’s lives with letters. In my notes, I tell them what I observe in them but also express my hope for their life path. I know they read it sometimes when they reach those places on the road where they feel discouraged and need words. Even when I am no longer a phone call away, I know my words will be with them.

I saved all the letters they wrote during their childhood. There are beautiful letters with Mother’s Day, birthdays, and letters to Santa Claus.

In certain parenting situations, I was more accommodating than other parents.  However, I was strict about age-appropriate computer games and movies. Years ago, Christo’s friends were very frustrated with me because I would not allow him to play a 16-age-limit computer game with them. They decided to each write me a personal letter. I could only smile when I read the 12-year-old arguments. I plan to give those letters to him one day when he has a teenager.

Letters to my mom and dad

As a young adult, I became more aware of life’s dragons. I looked at my parents differently and was grateful for what they did for us despite all their challenges. In a letter to my parents, I thanked them for all their sacrifices. There were holidays they stayed at home because all available funds had to fund our after-school education.  I expressed gratitude for them getting up early, making plans and solving problems. My mom told me about my dad`s emotions when he read my letter. I am so grateful I wrote it because I lost my dad shortly after.

During a recent visit, my mom showed me the letters my dad wrote to her before their wedding. They lived in different small towns. Letters were the only way they could communicate privately over a distance. I appreciated seeing my father’s handwriting on paper and reading his words, so full of love for her.

I could experience something of his being in his letters and gain better insight into their challenges. He had to brave a dirt road with his first car to visit her. Many of his problems had to do with that car. I’m sure his letters transport my mom far back in time.

Thank you for reading my letters

Kind regards


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