Standing in the middle of the fire
Family members are supporters and witnesses of our unique life journeys. However, as a supporter and witness it is painful to see and experience the suffering of the people you love. January was a month of hardship for my family in the Kalahari. They stood in the middle of the fire.
January 2023
My only sister and best friend, Ansa, awaited January with mixed emotions. This year is the last year of school for Marga before she leaves the nest. However, for Altus, it is his first year of high school and hostel living in Upington, about two hours away from their farm in the Kalahari. It is, therefore, a year of change for their family.
Ansa stayed in Upington during the week the schools opened to support her children where needed. With temperatures well above 40 degrees, Upington is known for its extreme heat. Without air conditioning due to load shedding in South Africa, Upington is almost unbearable. During the school’s induction program for the grade 8 learners, the learner council ensured the new learners drank water every hour to prevent dehydration.
When the fire burns around you
A distressed phone call informed Ansa that Andre also needed her support on the farm. Wildfires in the area were destroying their farm. Andre had to watch the panic in his cattle and game as they ran in distress between the black clouds of smoke.
Farmers and people in the area stood together throughout the night to try to get the fires under control. More than half of their farm burned down. Ansa initially decided to protect her children from the devastating news, but with social media, it was impossible.
All they could do was pray for rain. Relieved after a hectic first week but also with sadness, they came home for the weekend. Against the backdrop of the fields covered in ash, beautiful clouds formed in the sky with signs of lightning. The next moment they saw smoke again and realized that a bolt of lightning had set the field on fire again. Andre and Altus spent the entire Saturday night trying to get the fire under control. The 13-year-old boy had to face the realities of a man overnight.
Help and support
A farm with cattle without pasture was suddenly a big problem. Fortunately, our Heavenly Father works through other people’s hearts to help and assist us when we can no longer. Out of the blue, Andre received a few calls from people who understood his distress. One farmer offered to buy cattle with calves from him, and another farmer offered free grazing on his farm. There were also feed donations.
My tears just flowed when Ansa shared a video with me showing how institutions such as Droogtehulp and Hendrik van Wyk Vervoer stood together to deliver feed where needed. You are welcome to watch it on Facebook at
A family that sticks together
We don’t have control over what happens to us, but we have a choice about how we deal with it. Andre’s positive handling of the situation stunned me. The calm in his voice during his feedback messages also made us feel calmer. He told how whirlwinds sometimes sent smoke to the sky and that it was beautiful to see. The black tufts of burnt grass show signs of life again, and the new green gives him hope.
Ansa and her children did everything possible to help and support him because they are a family that sticks together when the challenges come. They help, encourage, and motivate each other.
Two years ago, I wrote a letter Symbol of hope in nature or people after the Kalahari suffered a prolonged drought. The floodgates of heaven opened, and the Kalahari was lush green. I pray for another miracle.
When we stand in the middle of the fire, we can clearly see, hear, and experience God’s voice and love.