African Art is functional and social

African Art is functional and social

Every time Zander and I land at Cape Town airport, he turns to me with a smile and says, “Mom, I love the happy vibe I hear and feel.” There’s an energy in the air. People laugh, chat, and call out to each other from across the room, effortlessly bridging the distance with their voices. It’s a world away from the quiet of Switzerland where silence is respected, even legally enforced. So, after touching down, we always grab a coffee and take a moment to soak in the lively atmosphere and tap into the city’s heartbeat.

Though my ancestors likely lived in Europe centuries ago, I feel African blood running through my veins. In the past six months, I have attended two art exhibitions focused on Africa, both at the invitation of my German friends. The artwork’s vibrant colours, joyful energy, and authenticity deeply resonated with me, stirring a longing for South Africa.

Esther Mahlangu                                     

The first exhibition I attended was of Esther Mahlangu’s work at the Iziko Museum in Cape Town with my friend Ulrike in June 2024. Mahlangu, a legendary South African visual artist, is renowned for her vibrant murals featuring traditional Ndebele patterns. This exhibition celebrated her nearly seven-decade-long contribution to contemporary art, showcasing over 100 carefully curated pieces from prestigious international collections.

In Southern Ndebele culture, it is a tradition for women to paint the exteriors of their homes with these intricate patterns, a skill Esther learned at the age of ten from her mother and grandmother. In 2018, at 83 years old, Dr Mahlangu was honoured with two honorary doctorates to recognise her immense contribution to the art world.

Collaboration with major brands

Her groundbreaking work has led to iconic global collaborations with brands and names such as Rolls-Royce, BMW, Fiat, South African Airways, John Legend, Belvedere Vodka, The Smithsonian Museum, Freshpak Rooibos, and many more. She said,

Through my art, I have seen the world. In turn, the world learned about my Ndebele heritage.  I speak isiNdebele, I walk isiNdebele, and I wear isiNdebele.

Esther Mahlangu rose to international fame through an iconic BMW advertising campaign. I had the privilege of seeing the legendary BMW 525i Art Car, which returned to South Africa for the first time in over 30 years.

She was also the first artist in the world commissioned to create an artwork for the exclusive “gallery” of a new Rolls-Royce Phantom, which was fittingly named ‘The Mahlangu’ in her honour.

African Art in Basel, Switzerland

My German friend Darja invited me to an African art exhibition in Basel. The theme was “When We See Us.” It was significant to learn that the Zeitz MOCAA Museum of Contemporary Art Africa in Cape Town had curated and organised the exhibition, as I worked right across from that impressive museum.

The artwork was grouped by themes, each accompanied by a description. Themes, such as Everyday Life, Joy, and Spirituality, resonated deeply, reflecting my experiences with African cultures. The exhibition also powerfully captured the conflict between the world’s expectations of Africa and the vision that Africa aspires to be.

Everyday life

Beauty is woven into our daily lives. We often discover it in games, meaningful work, or during moments of rest. Artists remind us that home isn’t just a place; it’s a feeling rooted in the warmth of community. We find this warmth in the laughter in backyards, conversations on the front porch, tending to gardens, and gathering around dinner tables. Here, elders impart their wisdom, and we experience family love, whether blood-related or not. Everyone becomes an Aunt or Uncle.

While we may have few material possessions, we are rich in togetherness. We find joy in the simple rhythms of carrying water, reading, running, knitting, enjoying a beer, or braiding hair. Together, we celebrate the richness of life and cherish the simple pleasure of just being.


Our spirituality is an integral part of our everyday lives, woven into the fabric of who we are. It is rich and complex, guiding us in understanding the universe and improving our lives. We take pride in our triple heritage of indigenous cultures, Christianity, and Islam.

Our spirituality provides a space for rituals, ceremonies, and storytelling. Through ritual dance, we transcend the present while the sacred texts and prayers from various traditions cleanse and renew our spirits. We discover peace and meaning in this blend of ancient wisdom and modern faith.


Life is all about savouring every moment, and we know how to throw a celebration. Whether at a friend’s gathering or during a lively street festival, we embrace the warmth of joy. We have a knack for turning any moment into a celebration, believing occasions deserve song and dance.

We possess the voices and the movements to bring our celebrations to life. While we thrive on the energy of coming together, we also value the quiet moments of rest and solitude. We savour life in all its rhythms.

My love for Africa and its people

I am grateful to my German friends for enjoying African art with me. The exhibitions reflected and reaffirmed my deep love for Africa and its people, who truly master the art of living in the moment.



The impact of languages on identity

The impact of languages on identity

Language plays a crucial role in any culture. It is how people communicate, build relationships, and create a sense of community. Through language, we express our feelings and thoughts, and it also helps shape our identity.

I come from South Africa, which has 11 official languages, each with unique regional variations. Language allows us to convey unique ideas and customs within different cultures and societies. When I visit my family in the Kalahari, I enjoy the beautiful words, descriptions, and accents of Kalahari Afrikaans. Charl often comments that it sounds like we speak an entirely different language.

Language evolves as social groups change

Our way of speaking can even shift during different stages of our lives. I noticed how my children’s language and word choices changed, reflecting the influence of their social circles. As university students, our language has also transformed. My dad found some of the new words we used amusing. He even tried to incorporate them into his work meetings, which made his colleagues laugh.

Integration in a country with a different language

We live in the German-speaking part of Switzerland, where several dialects, collectively known as Swiss German, are spoken across different regions. Understanding Swiss German is challenging for us. Even native Germans who speak High German sometimes struggle with it. Mastering a new language is the key to immersing yourself in a new country.

At Zander’s international school, language plays a crucial role. The school community consist of families from all over the world, covering various native languages. Some families often relocate frequently, which means their children must adapt to and learn the local language of each new country they move to. In many cases, the parents have themselves grown up in different countries with different native languages, leading to children who are fluent in multiple languages.

Zander’s poem on language and its impact on identity

After our move to Switzerland, Zander had to work hard to elevate his English skills to a native level. He also had to learn German as a second language and Spanish as a third. As part of his grade 10 curriculum, Zander had to write a poem about the effect of language on identity.

I share his poem, in which he beautifully reflects on his different linguistic identities with you.

Between Tongues

Afrikaans, the voice of my source,
Where “hoesit” echoes, and “lekker” supports,
It’s the language of rugby, of cricket games,
Of visits home, and calls for birthdays,
In Afrikaans, I say “I miss you” in words that know,
A time much simpler, of places long ago.

English, the language you can’t ignore,
A tool you need if you want to explore,
The language of strangers, now friends I find,
In corridors where new beginnings unwind,
It’s the voice of the world, the one you must know,
The voice I use when my past lets go.

German, the tongue of my new country’s streets,
Where friendships grow through no easy feats,
I’ve learned to connect, talk, and share,
In a tongue that still feels foreign, yet fair.
Though fluency is still a time away,
My expressivity grows with each passing day.

Spanish, a language I’m still working to speak,
Learned in class, though my skills are nothing unique
With Spanish, I interact with people I meet,
Brief encounters, but memories that stay complete.

Afrikaans, for family and past ties,
English, for school and global eyes,
German, for shopping and navigating new streets,
Spanish for travelling and exploring new feats.

Four voices, like rivers, converging in me,
Each one shapes how I see the world around me,

With Afrikaans, I’m the child, of my roots
With English, I navigate global pursuits,
With German, I handle daily tasks and more,
With Spanish, I explore and open new doors.

Four languages, four worlds, all part of my soul,
All built connections. Each uniquely fills a hole.

Groete, Regards, Grüße


We are witnesses of each other’s lives

We are witnesses of each other’s lives

I believe our Creator designed the human experience to be shared and witnessed. We need others to be witnesses of our lives, just as we need to be witnesses of theirs. This mutual exchange is essential to the human experience.

“Shall We Dance” is a movie I first watched years ago during the midst of my divorce. It gave me so much to reflect on that I watched it several more times. (I admit that Richard Gere and his tango with Jennifer Lopez had something to do with that too.) In the film, a couple was going through a rough patch in their marriage. A character in the story curiously asked the wife what made her want to stay in the marriage. Her response helped me make sense of my feelings of loss.

We need a witness to our lives. There are 8 billion people on the planet … I mean, what does any one life really mean? But in a marriage, you’re promising to care about everything — the good things, the bad things, the terrible things, the mundane things … all of it, all the time, every day. You’re saying, ‘Your life will not go unnoticed because I will notice it. Your life will not go un-witnessed because I will be your witness.

We are all witnesses to other people’s lives

Being a witness to another person’s life is a significant responsibility. It means sharing in their love and joy, as well as their vulnerabilities and challenges. We gain insight, wisdom, and lessons from others’ experiences.

There are so many times we act as witnesses—sometimes with loved ones and other times through brief interactions in daily life. We witness lives through books, blogs, social media posts, and photos. We take on this role far more often than we realise.

Sometimes, being a witness is challenging

It’s not always easy to fulfil this role. We often compare our unique experiences to those of others, and through our lens, someone else’s life may appear idyllic or perfect. But without the complete picture, this can stir feelings of inadequacy, failure, injustice, or even feeling less loved.

It’s important to remember that each person has a unique life journey and purpose. Everybody must find their path and contribution to others and humanity. I often ask myself – am I making the most of the hand of cards life has dealt me?

Witnesses in a foreign country

Moving to Switzerland brought a deep sense of loss as I left behind friends and loved ones.

I reflected on the precious witnesses who had shared different phases of my life. Staying in touch was a priority, executed through my regular letters home. I am also a witness to their lives to the extent they allow. Every response, note, or message I received felt like a burst of colour in my day. It helped me during difficult times.

I made new friends in Switzerland, many of whom are also expats. We share in each other’s experiences, recognising and empathising with the distinctive situations and obstacles we encounter. We stand together and make sure everyone feels valued and connected.

Witnesses on social media

It wasn’t until I lived in a foreign country, where I struggled to understand the language, that I began to grasp the role of witnesses on social media. It fills the need for someone, somewhere, to at least be aware of your life and what you’re doing.

My South African friend in Switzerland, Marna, captured this sentiment perfectly in a Facebook post:

Our 18-month Swiss experience is coming to an end. As an expat in a foreign country, adapting to a new language and culture often means living outside your comfort zone. Being away from the familiar and your loved ones and friends can feel overwhelming. You are vulnerable to feeling lonely, unloved, aimless, unknown, and unappreciated.

There’s a deep discomfort in realising that your life isn’t shared or seen by those close to your heart. I shared all about our amazing European and Swiss adventures on social media. YOU, my social media friends, who took the time to respond positively or comment, did so much more than you may realise. You have all been a part of my journey as witnesses, and I am thankful for that.

For me, social media became a way to cope with the challenges of expat life. I see each post as a modern-day postcard! I encourage you to share your moments and memories. Send your postcards. I want to witness your life and celebrate those special moments with you. Life is better when shared with people who make your heart happy!

In conclusion

By witnessing each other’s lives, we see the good, the bad, the powerful, and the vulnerable. Together, these experiences shape what it means to be human. When we support and cheer one another, embracing both the perfect and the imperfect, it reminds us that we are all travellers in this journey we call life.

Kind regards


From ordinary to extraordinary

From ordinary to extraordinary

She was a wife to her husband and a mother to her three sons. Amidst the daily chores of cooking, cleaning, and laundry, her soul longed for something more. She yearned to create something beautiful and vibrant. Her journey began to take shape when she reached out to her children’s elementary school art teacher. In the afternoons after school, she and the young students started learning about painting, exploring colours, and mastering techniques together.

This newfound passion led her to pursue more advanced art lessons. Art became her escape and therapy. She shared her love for colourful creations with friends, who painted with her once a week.

Twelve women

One night, she woke up with an unshakable feeling that she had to paint the portraits of twelve remarkable women from the Bible. She followed this calling, and the project occupied her for over a year. She had to choose the perfect paintings to represent a modern-day version of each woman. A friend encouraged her to study the stories of the twelve women from the Bible. The pandemic provided her with the time to dive deep into this study. Through this journey, she came to know these women as ordinary people who became extraordinary as part of God’s plan.

Women who inspire women

With this understanding, it became clear which painting represented each woman from the Bible. She combined her knowledge and artwork to create a Bible study journal about the twelve biblical women and even printed cards featuring their faces. LucahArt is the name she uses for her art. “Lucah” means “To bring Light.” She chose this name because she felt her friends had supported her and brought light to the project. She also hopes her art will bring light to others.

With ordinary to extraordinary as a theme, she and a friend decided to kick off women’s retreats at their beautiful beach house in Kleinmond. Here, many women found inspiration in the stories of these biblical figures, transforming their ordinary lives into something exceptional. These retreats have been life-changing for many women. She experienced a deep satisfaction in knowing she was fulfilling her life’s purpose.

Switzerland opportunity

An unexpected three-year work opportunity for her husband in Switzerland surprised her and left her with mixed feelings. While excited about the new experience, she couldn’t help but wonder, why now? In this new country, they faced many adjustments and had to learn many new things including language and culture.

Her husband encouraged her to bring the twelve paintings to Switzerland as well. She displayed them in her home. These paintings provided comfort and inspiration, especially during the long, cold winters when loneliness set in. She told me that her favourite woman from the series is Mary Magdalene. She felt a special connection to her, not only because of some similarities in their life stories but also because they shared the same name.

The Aucamps became involved with the Lift Church in Zug. They made wonderful friends and became part of a supportive Christian community.

International exhibition

Their church invited her to speak at a women’s evening, and I had the privilege of attending the event. The twelve paintings had a place of honour at the front of the hall, each displayed on a canvas atop an easel. Marna told me that her 22-year-old son had made the twelve easels during the pandemic as a project to keep him busy. Who could have ever imagined that they would one day support twelve biblical women in a Swiss church?

After Marna shared her own story, she recounted the stories of each of the twelve biblical women. In her presentation, she described the challenges that each woman faced. The audience had to guess who Marna was talking about. Then, she shared more about God’s plan for each woman and the impact of their actions on history. Finally, the audience broke into small groups to discuss which woman’s life story resonated with them the most.

Winds of Change

After 18 months in Switzerland, changes at her husband’s workplace required Wimpie’s knowledge and skills in South Africa for a critical project. They wrestled again with mixed feelings. One advantage is that they will be back in SA for their son’s wedding – the same son who made the easels for her paintings. Their departure is a significant loss for me. I will miss my Afrikaans friend in Switzerland dearly, as we acted as witnesses to each other’s lives here.

I find comfort in knowing that her paintings and messages will continue to touch many more women’s lives in South Africa. Her story, along with the stories of the women in the Bible, is a powerful testimony of how God can transform ordinary lives into extraordinary ones.

Kind regards


We discovered a beach escape in Croatia

We discovered a beach escape in Croatia

Oceans surround South Africa. We, therefore, associate summer holidays with white beaches and crashing waves. While Switzerland offers stunning natural beauty, we sometimes long for the sea. We miss walking barefoot on the sand, building sandcastles, and playing in the waves. Our family loves the water, and the beach is our idea of a Happy Place.

For a long time, we’ve searched for a beach holiday destination in Europe. Availability and affordability of the beautiful locations along the Mediterranean Sea have posed challenges. After a long and harsh winter, people across Europe also yearn for sun and sea.

When Zander had to select a location for his exchange experience, his top priority was a country with a coastline and waves. His dream came true when he found an exchange opportunity in Perth. They could head to the beach after school, and despite the winter in Australia, they spent a lot of time in the ocean, enjoying various activities. He even had the chance to learn how to surf.

Campsite in Croatia

In our search, we focused on Croatia and discovered a campsite called Mont Perin, located by the sea near Rovinj in the Istria region of northern Croatia. It turned out to be the perfect choice for us. The campsite provides a range of accommodation options, such as campsites, mobile homes, and villas.

We stayed in a house near the sea and enjoyed morning swims in the ocean. The pebbly beaches led us to buy water shoes for comfort, but one benefit of sandy beaches was that the house remained sand-free. The calm, turquoise-blue water was so clear that we could see to the bottom


The campground provided a variety of entertainment options for families. The bay area had designated spots for swimming, rowing, or paddleboarding (SUPs). Other areas were more rocky, perfect for exploring the underwater wonderland with diving goggles. During the day, families enjoyed the inflatable play area in the sea. In the evening, they showed animation films on a big screen erected in the seawater.

The campground also featured tennis, volleyball, and soccer courts and a dinosaur-themed water park for families with younger children.


The campground is quite large, so to make it easy for everyone to get around, they offer a little train that runs throughout the site. For those who didn’t bring their own, bicycles are also available for rent. We were delighted to discover that each villa had a small electric or golf cart.

Our villa’s Twingo made a driving lesson in Croatia for Zander possible. We played tennis a few times, and afterwards, Zander drove us back home. Charl gave instructions from the front while I sat in the back, nervously watching. Fortunately, he managed very well. It’s much easier to learn to drive an electric car. His older brothers had to learn on a manual one.

Bakery and fresh garden vegetables

The campsite features a bakery, where people eagerly line up early in the morning to grab a fresh bun or croissant to enjoy with their coffee. Every morning, after Zander and I took a quick swim in the sea, Charl would treat us to warm, freshly baked croissants.

We were delighted to discover that Mont Perin has vegetable gardens. The campsite provides guests with a complimentary bag of fresh Mediterranean vegetables twice a week. The bag included giant tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, and marrow pumpkins. Along with the vegetables, we also received a melon and watermelon.  We used the fruit and vegetables in our salads, pasta sauces, and prepared ratatouille.

As evening approached, delicious cooking aromas filled the campsite. Campers prepared their meals on gas grills since open fires were not allowed.

Dinosaur bones found in the area

We noticed that many water parks in the Istria region had a dinosaur theme. It made perfect sense when we learned that Istria is the only region in the Mediterranean where divers found dinosaur bones. In 1992, a diver discovered a site with bones on the seabed near Bale-Valle, marking the first discovery of dinosaur remains in the Mediterranean.

The bones revealed the existence of at least ten groups of dinosaurs, including the plant-eating Brachiosaurus, one of the largest and heaviest dinosaurs ever. This massive creature was 20 to 25 meters long, with a neck about 10 meters long.

We all agreed that this was one of our most enjoyable holidays in Europe. We lost track of time, indulged in good food, stayed healthy, and slept well. Mother Nature took good care of us.

Our memories in a video:



Venice took my breath away

Venice took my breath away

My loved ones describe me as practical and realistic. I view places and situations through this lens, often leading to many how and why questions. My camera lens, however, helps me see and enjoy the beautiful, the old, the funny, and the different. In Venice, there was much to enjoy, appreciate, ponder, and wonder about. Known as the “City of Canals” or the “Floating City,” Venice is picturesque and fascinating.

Tourism in Venice

The canals of Venice’s historic quarter make it one of the most visited places in Europe. Last year, 20 million travellers visited Venice, which has only 50,000 inhabitants. To mitigate the impact of overtourism, city officials have implemented several measures. In 2021, they banned cruise ships from docking, limited tour group sizes to 25 people, and introduced a fee for day visitors.

We ended our holiday with a short visit to this beautiful historical city. We arrived at St. Lucia Venice train station on a hot Sunday afternoon. Our accommodation was about 2 kilometres away, and although I love walking, this walk was almost too much for me. Tourists crowded the streets, and we had to navigate through the masses with our luggage, sweat streaming down my back. Carrying my packed suitcase and backpack over the many canal bridges, each with numerous steps was particularly challenging. I was grateful that Charl handled the navigation.

Venice start preparing for the tourists in the early morning

Waking up early in the morning as a city awakens, excites me. In Venice, the inhabitants had prepared everything very early for the new day. The aroma of freshly ground coffee and pastries hung in the air. Seabirds screamed excitedly at the fish market. Traders unpacked supplies from their mobile stalls. Boats on the canals brought in goods for shops and restaurants while removing rubbish. All this must happen in the early hours because, during the day, tourists on gondolas fill the canals.

Gondolas on the canals

Gondolas are a historic and traditional part of Venice, offering an iconic way to explore the city. In the 17th and 18th centuries, gondolas peaked in popularity, with an estimated 10,000 in Venice. In contrast, only about 400 are primarily used for tourism these days.

Early in the morning, we saw gondoliers preparing the boats for the day. Becoming a gondolier requires over 400 hours of training over six months. Besides mastering gondola manoeuvring and lifesaving skills, they also learn foreign languages and Venetian history and culture.

St. Mark’s Basilica

The Basilica di San Marco (St. Mark’s Basilica) is the cathedral church of Venice and, along with its square, is the most famous and beautiful landmark in the city.

According to tradition, Mark founded the church in Egypt and was appointed bishop of Alexandria after serving with Peter in Rome. People believed he died there as a martyr. Eight centuries after he died in AD 68, the Venetians brought his body to Venice. The city’s ruling class wanted St. Mark as the patron saint of their economic status, so they arranged to smuggle his body out of Egypt.

Murano die glass island

We visited Murano, the glass island, by taxi boat. Glasswork is an ancient art form, and it was one of the most significant commercial industries of the Venetian Republic for centuries. In 1291, city authorities moved the glass furnaces to Murano to protect the city centre from fire risks and to safeguard trade secrets about the production process. This relocation also allowed the glass masters to exchange skills and techniques, elevating the art form to new heights.

We attended a demonstration where we saw artists working and blowing glass using centuries-old techniques to create beautiful ornaments. Afterwards, we visited an exhibition showcasing the most stunning works of art.

The Venice Carnaval

Vendors sold masks for the Venice Carnival at most stalls and markets. This event is renowned worldwide for its beautiful costumes and masks. The celebration lasts ten days in February, during which people dress up and participate in organised parades or simple processions on the streets.

The Carnival traces its origins to the Middle Ages and continued for several centuries. People abolished the tradition in 1797 but revived it in 1979. It attracts around 3 million visitors annually.

Venice is one of Italy’s most beautiful cities

The Floating City, with its winding canals, striking architecture, and beautiful bridges, is undoubtedly one of Italy’s most stunning cities. The statue of the white hands in Venice left me with a message. They symbolise the need to build bridges and overcome differences. Each set of hands represents a different human value like love or wisdom.

If you enjoy travel, Venice is worth visiting and experiencing. However, I recommend choosing the time of year for your visit with care and travelling as lightly as possible.



When are you ready for the next chapter?

When are you ready for the next chapter?

As we drove through the gates along the familiar path, stopping in front of the big white house, I knew it would be my last visit. After my family picked me up at Upington Airport, we visited a beautiful retirement village, Belle Rio, along the banks of the Orange River. It is close to Kanoneiland, where my mom grew up.

I was looking forward to spending a few days alone with my mom. It also created an opportunity to discuss the plans for her next chapter with her. Once my sister and her family left for their farm, my mother looked at me seriously and said, “I don’t want to talk about this.


We moved to Kathu the year before I started school. The mine developed this new town, and everyone moved into new mine houses. As the new town developed, some people who did not work for the mine started to build private houses among the mine houses. One of the new private houses near our mine house had a modern architectural design and a beautiful camel thorn tree in the yard. My mom loved this house, and we often went to see how the construction was progressing.

Our own home

Years later, a “For Sale” sign appeared in front of the white house with blue gutters. My parents often had long and serious conversations after that; it was time for them to become homeowners. Shortly before my eleventh birthday, we moved to the new house, carrying everything across the street. For the first time, my sister and I each had our rooms. The swing my father built when we were toddlers also moved with us.

My dad, always a project man, turned this new house into his playground. He built new structures and arranged everything around the house practically and efficiently. He carefully laid out the garden for my mom, whose passion was gardening. People often referred to our home as the house with the beautiful garden. Every Friday after work, my dad would mow the lawn. I sometimes surprised him on Fridays by mowing the lawn before he returned home after work. The smell of freshly cut grass still takes me back to my childhood.

A garden full of cosmos flowers

I always dreamed of a wedding hall filled with cosmos flowers. My parents helped make this dream come true by planting the entire garden with cosmos flowers months before my wedding. My dad tended the garden, transforming the place into a pink and purple paradise.

I offered to mow the lawn the Friday before my wedding, but my dad declined. I felt slightly hurt when he sincerely explained, “Thank you, my love, but I want it done properly.”

We lost my dad at an early age

I lost my father to a heart attack shortly after my thirtieth birthday. He was only 57 years old and still busy building an awning for shade. We tried to find peace in the fact that he passed away doing what he loved.

My mom was the same age as I am now, and his death changed her whole life. She bravely took on all the responsibilities of maintaining the big house and garden. She decorated the home with the most beautiful paintings to help her see beauty in her pain.

As she grew older, managing everything became more difficult. We are grateful to everyone around her who is still compassionately willing to help with maintenance and repairs.

Our mom will celebrate her 80th next year

As my mom’s energy diminishes with age, maintaining the house and garden has become more challenging for her. Most of her friends have passed away in recent years, which has been a significant loss. She has always been loving and deeply involved in the school, community, and church.

We are concerned about her well-being and safety in Kathu, which has expanded due to the mining operations. As her children, we believe it is time for my mom to begin her next chapter. We envision her thriving in a community with pleasant peers, engaging activities, and fewer responsibilities.

Decisions about the last chapter

She needs time to close this chapter and say goodbye to the big white house, cherishing her memories in peace. While we can assist with many things, this is a task she must do on her own, just as she had to learn to live without my father.

Since we haven’t been in her shoes, we’ll give her the time and space to find her answer. My sister and I agreed to honour our mother’s request not to discuss the retirement village. We trust she will know when she is ready for the next chapter.

Kind regards


Zander’s Australian exchange experience

Zander’s Australian exchange experience

We were very relieved when we received photos of an Emirates plane with a beautiful orange sunset as a background from Australia. Zander and Campbell were safely in Perth after the 24-hour flight and Cambell’s six weeks of exchange experience in Switzerland.

The time difference made calls difficult, but Zander promised to send me a voicemail every day before he went to bed. Each day’s message began with. “I had a very nice day. It was amazing.”

 “The exchange has been going great so far! I like Campbell’s family. They are nice and kind people.”


On Sunday, the Grieves family showed Zander Scotch College and its surroundings and then walked on the beach and swam in the sea. After lunch, they wakeboarded behind a boat and dove from high rocks into the water. The day ended with a lamb roast for dinner, and I can’t imagine how the day could have been any better!

Scotch College

Campbell’s mother had a Scotch College uniform ready for Zander in advance, and on Monday morning, I saw both young men proudly dressed in their school uniforms. The Senior School has 10 Houses (pastoral groups), each with a distinct tartan tie reflecting Scottish heritage. Campbell and Zander are in St. Andrews House.

“The Uniforms were a bit of an adjustment to make, it is a lot more work putting on a button-up shirt and a tie every morning as well as every time after we have PE. However, I am finding some aspects of wearing a uniform nice though like I don’t have to constantly think about what I wear the next day. It is an easy system.”

Chapel service

Monday morning began with a service in the school’s chapel, adorned with beautiful stained glass. Afterwards, the school provided Zander with a MacBook during his stay. He was very excited about his Photography and Digital Design class, where the teacher tasked them to create an album cover.


Zander also has Economics as a subject, which he has never had before. He agreed to write an Economics test consisting of three long questions along with all the other students on the second day. According to him, he used his general knowledge to explain how business and economic cycles work.

Marching and Community Service

On Friday, Zander participated in the school’s marching competition between the different Houses. He was nervous because he didn’t want to be the reason for the House losing points. His feedback was that he found it difficult to march if he was thinking about what he was doing. It was best not to think at all.

They finished the week with community service at the Salvation Army, helping to prepare food packages and put out trash cans.

Sun and sea

Zander was in seventh heaven when they went to the beach after school. They swam in the sea and enjoyed chips and calamari while watching the golden orange sunset over the ocean. The Grieves family signed them up for surf lessons. However, the waves have been too big and unsafe over weekends.


The Grieves family belongs to a Uni Hockey club, and Zander enjoyed the activity and camaraderie, accompanied by good music.

Scotch College require the students to participate in at least one sport. Zander played football with Campbell and even participated in weekend games. He found football to be less competitive than in Europe.

They ended the first week with an Australian rules football match, also known as Australian football or just “footy.” I learned it is a contact sport played by two teams, consisting of eighteen players each on an oval-shaped field, often a modified cricket field. It was exciting and ended with a surprisingly tied final score. During the weekend, Zander watched a netball match, surfed, and played darts for the first time.

They ended the second week and the month of May with a soccer match between AC Milan and AS Roma at the Opus Stadium. It was the first time these A-League teams played head-to-head on Australian soil, and it was an incredible experience for him.


“I also discovered that many of the products I miss from South Africa are available here. This is probably because both countries are part of the Commonwealth. I bought myself a large Cadbury Top Deck chocolate. I’ll bring you an AERO Peppermint Chocolate.”

Campbell and Zander in the news

The Grieves family had long planned to show Zander Sydney during the long weekend at the beginning of June. However, they were very disappointed when Virgin Airlines cancelled the flight. Campbell and Zander appeared in the media after reporters interviewed them about the situation. I could only smile when I received a video clip of Campbell and Zander on the 7 pm news bulletin on Australian television.

Attached is an excerpt from the news report: “Flights Cancelled at Perth Airport.”

Kind regards


Letters Home is on the Amazon Kindle Store

Letters Home is on the Amazon Kindle Store

My eBook is now available on the Amazon Kindle online store in English and in Afrikaans. It is a celebratory reflection on our five-year journey in Switzerland. The book is composed of fifty letters. They delve into our internal and external experiences as a South African family as we adjust to life in a foreign land. I believe readers who have undergone similar experiences, planning it or have family or friends living abroad will find aspects in the book that they can relate to.

In the letters, I aim to articulate the complexities of our journey and encapsulate the essence of our joys, challenges, and reflections. They are more than just a recounting of events. I have intertwined our emotions, thoughts, and cultural experiences into a narrative to provide the reader with an honest and balanced depiction of our process of change and adaptation in Switzerland.

Thank you for the encouragement, assistance, and support

I am thankful for all the encouragement, assistance, and support I’ve received. My gratitude extends to family and friends who urged me to publish my letters in a book and those who served as beta readers. Their constructive feedback helped enhance the value of my stories. Additionally, many individuals suggested incorporating photos into the book. Kindle Publishing enabled me to include almost a hundred of my favourite images in the eBook.

Below, I included excerpts from the feedback provided by beta readers, organised into themes.

The letters are honest, personal, and authentic

“The raw honesty hit me. It is personal, authentic but also interesting, instructive, and balanced.”

“Thank you for the honesty and sincerity with which you portray everything. You lay your heart bare about the uncertainty about the unknown, the beauty, the victories and big challenges you overcome in the foreign country.”

“Emsia, you have shared your life journey and experiences in Switzerland with the readers. However, what I take with me is your inner journey that you also shared. The information shared is authentic and gives the reader a lot to think about. My favourites include Inner Journey, The Gift of Time, Book of Life and South Africa Through New Eyes. The latter brought tears to my eyes.”

“The book provides an honest share of and a good description of the adjustment, challenges, and experiences in a foreign country. The text provides the reader with information and delves into the deeper emotional and spiritual elements of being an expat.” 

Still proudly South African

“It was exciting to go on the journey together and explore new worlds, but at the same time, also experience how your heart is still in Africa and your family ties here, and that there was nothing derogatory or disparaging of our continent written about.”

“The platform is not misused to make a political point of view, something that could easily happen here and which I often find, to my annoyance, on social media and the subject is very relevant in the SA environment. This volume is necessary.”

“The most significant idea is that people can remain proud of South Africans and enjoy the gift of diversity and challenges.”

“I realised that South Africa will always form a part of my roots. I love South Africa and can tackle new adventures and interests. With the love from God and our family, life can be fulfilling no matter where you choose to walk the path. It is also okay to accept that such a big decision can only be a season and that one (especially us South Africans) will always have a home to return to.”

A valuable tool for an expat experience

“For a person who has to adapt to Switzerland, there is a lot of valuable information that will make the expat journey easier.”

“It is also a valuable and realistic guide for someone considering settling abroad.”

“I would like to put this book in the hands of every person who has to decide to live in a foreign country, especially in Switzerland. It will be a valuable tool to overcome the newness and strangeness of a new country and culture.”

“Life is a challenge we can always master because of the humanity around us and because of our adaptability and resilience. Change is scary but has many positive sides.”

The letters inspire self-development and growth

“It reminds me of my gifts and how I can develop myself. Everyone faces challenges and I must learn to focus on the good in changes. It also reminds me of the hard times in my life, and how I grew and benefited from the circumstances. The book underlines a clear sociology and psychology.”

“The book is full of emotion and experience. It gives advice one should carefully consider before making such a big decision. It ultimately encourages me to take on a new adventure and discover and experience other cultures.”

“I lived in Europe for extended periods. Although I realise it requires a lot of sacrifices, the letters made me feel like I am sharing a feeling with someone willing and inspired to take on a new beginning.”

“Moving abroad away from your home country affects all aspects of family life and leads to personal growth.”

“I think that people who have lived abroad will be able to identify and resonate in this way. It also makes you want new adventures and experiences. It enriched me.”

“Your book is about self-development. I like it because I often consider how I can see a topic from a different point of view.”

Valuable treasures and life lessons

“Do not read it too quickly because it contains many precious insights and life lessons, which you should reflect on before you turn the page to the following letter.”

“The book is stimulating, and one should not read it too quickly. One must take a break between chapters to think and reflect.”

“The use of language is generally beautiful and pure. I liked the Time as a Gift chapter the most.”

My hope for the book

My hope for the book is that the right words will reach the right people at the right time. Would you please help recommend the book to people who will find it appealing? I am attaching a book preview if you want to see what it looks like. On the free preview, you can see the first seven letters.

I further hope that I will encourage more people to read eBooks. Our move to Switzerland prompted me to move from printed books to eBooks. I downloaded the free Kindle App on my phone to read my books wherever I go.



Do you prefer print or electronic books?

Do you prefer print or electronic books?

When we relocated to Switzerland, we had to get rid of all the stuff. The most challenging task for me was parting with my books. Our study held a complete shelf dedicated to books that encapsulated different periods and experiences of my life. Anyone looking at them could discern my preferences and the challenges I have faced through the titles alone. I carefully packed away some particularly precious books into a box. The rest of my books had to find new homes. I gave them away, hoping they would bring their new owners joy, insight, or wisdom.

My move from print to electronic books

Moving to Switzerland inspired me to change my reading habits. I faced a pragmatic reality with a scarcity of English titles in local bookstores, their steep prices, and the constraint of limited storage space in our apartment. Embracing a minimalist ethos upon our move, I consciously opted for fewer possessions and a more respectful approach to consumption. However, change is not easy. I love the experience of holding and smelling the distinct aroma of a printed book. However, the writing was on the wall, and transitioning to electronic formats was inevitable. Charl’s longstanding use of his Kindle e-book reader was a testament to the practicality and convenience of embracing this shift.

I started by downloading the Kindle app on my iPad. Purchasing eBooks from Amazon meant they seamlessly synced to my device, ready for reading. I often enjoy reading during train rides or while waiting, but carrying the iPad everywhere became cumbersome. So, I decided to install the Kindle app on my phone instead. Since I always have my phone, it is much more convenient. Plus, I appreciate the option to enlarge the text as my eyesight gradually weakens with ageing.

Advantages of electronic books

Besides the convenience of having access to all my books in one place on my phone, I have since discovered other advantages of reading my books in electronic format.

Built-in dictionaries

The Kindle application offers access to multiple dictionaries, allowing me to look up unfamiliar words and enrich my vocabulary. When we relocated to Switzerland, learning German became essential. I found German children’s storybooks and utilised the electronic dictionary to learn new words effortlessly. These German booklets were conveniently available for free on

Study or research

We had to purchase textbooks for an online course presented in South Africa. It was logistically challenging to obtain the printed book, but Amazon offered an eBook solution for a quarter of the price. I also loaded the Kindle application on my computer to read the book. The application functionality allows me to highlight certain aspects of the book in different colours and to make notes. I can access the book and my notes on my computer and phone during the online classes.


The Kindle versions of numerous books are more affordable than their print counterparts, with older titles often offered for free. For instance, my fondness for the Netflix series, “Anne with an E” led me to purchase the corresponding books. To my delight, I could download all Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Anne books for free onto my Kindle.

Moreover, many authors offer the first book in a series for free, allowing readers to see if they enjoy the initial book before purchasing more books from the same author. I have stumbled upon some remarkable authors through these complimentary offerings. Once you find an author you appreciate, Amazon allows you to express your interest, prompting notifications for new releases from that author.

Access to a large selection of books

Amazon and other eBook platforms provide access to an extensive array of titles. When you’re keen on a specific topic, you can utilise search engines to discover available books and glean more information about them. Additionally, you typically can preview the first few pages of a book to gauge your interest before purchasing.

In our interconnected world, electronic books offer broader accessibility. I prefer reading in my native language and enjoy supporting Afrikaans authors. Thanks to eBooks, I can access Afrikaans literature while residing abroad in Switzerland.

Family members can share books

To maintain Zander’s Afrikaans, I wanted to provide him with age-appropriate books in Afrikaans. I could buy such books on Amazon and then have him as part of the Amazon Household option.

Family Library helps you share digital content with the eligible family members added to your Amazon Household. You can link two adult Amazon accounts to share eBooks, audiobooks, apps, and games.

Self-publishing is easier

The rise of electronic books has simplified and reduced the costs associated with self-publishing for aspiring authors. Traditional publishing entails uncertainties regarding reader interest and high initial printing expenses. However, platforms like Amazon offer accessible and cost-effective self-publishing options, making books readily available worldwide.

I am exploring self-publishing and aim to release my first Kindle book by the end of May. If you haven’t delved into eBooks yet, I encourage you to try them out. I hope my letter has piqued your interest.

