Letters Home is on the Amazon Kindle Store

Letters Home is on the Amazon Kindle Store

My eBook is now available on the Amazon Kindle online store in English and in Afrikaans. It is a celebratory reflection on our five-year journey in Switzerland. The book is composed of fifty letters. They delve into our internal and external experiences as a South African family as we adjust to life in a foreign land. I believe readers who have undergone similar experiences, planning it or have family or friends living abroad will find aspects in the book that they can relate to.

In the letters, I aim to articulate the complexities of our journey and encapsulate the essence of our joys, challenges, and reflections. They are more than just a recounting of events. I have intertwined our emotions, thoughts, and cultural experiences into a narrative to provide the reader with an honest and balanced depiction of our process of change and adaptation in Switzerland.

Thank you for the encouragement, assistance, and support

I am thankful for all the encouragement, assistance, and support I’ve received. My gratitude extends to family and friends who urged me to publish my letters in a book and those who served as beta readers. Their constructive feedback helped enhance the value of my stories. Additionally, many individuals suggested incorporating photos into the book. Kindle Publishing enabled me to include almost a hundred of my favourite images in the eBook.

Below, I included excerpts from the feedback provided by beta readers, organised into themes.

The letters are honest, personal, and authentic

“The raw honesty hit me. It is personal, authentic but also interesting, instructive, and balanced.”

“Thank you for the honesty and sincerity with which you portray everything. You lay your heart bare about the uncertainty about the unknown, the beauty, the victories and big challenges you overcome in the foreign country.”

“Emsia, you have shared your life journey and experiences in Switzerland with the readers. However, what I take with me is your inner journey that you also shared. The information shared is authentic and gives the reader a lot to think about. My favourites include Inner Journey, The Gift of Time, Book of Life and South Africa Through New Eyes. The latter brought tears to my eyes.”

“The book provides an honest share of and a good description of the adjustment, challenges, and experiences in a foreign country. The text provides the reader with information and delves into the deeper emotional and spiritual elements of being an expat.” 

Still proudly South African

“It was exciting to go on the journey together and explore new worlds, but at the same time, also experience how your heart is still in Africa and your family ties here, and that there was nothing derogatory or disparaging of our continent written about.”

“The platform is not misused to make a political point of view, something that could easily happen here and which I often find, to my annoyance, on social media and the subject is very relevant in the SA environment. This volume is necessary.”

“The most significant idea is that people can remain proud of South Africans and enjoy the gift of diversity and challenges.”

“I realised that South Africa will always form a part of my roots. I love South Africa and can tackle new adventures and interests. With the love from God and our family, life can be fulfilling no matter where you choose to walk the path. It is also okay to accept that such a big decision can only be a season and that one (especially us South Africans) will always have a home to return to.”

A valuable tool for an expat experience

“For a person who has to adapt to Switzerland, there is a lot of valuable information that will make the expat journey easier.”

“It is also a valuable and realistic guide for someone considering settling abroad.”

“I would like to put this book in the hands of every person who has to decide to live in a foreign country, especially in Switzerland. It will be a valuable tool to overcome the newness and strangeness of a new country and culture.”

“Life is a challenge we can always master because of the humanity around us and because of our adaptability and resilience. Change is scary but has many positive sides.”

The letters inspire self-development and growth

“It reminds me of my gifts and how I can develop myself. Everyone faces challenges and I must learn to focus on the good in changes. It also reminds me of the hard times in my life, and how I grew and benefited from the circumstances. The book underlines a clear sociology and psychology.”

“The book is full of emotion and experience. It gives advice one should carefully consider before making such a big decision. It ultimately encourages me to take on a new adventure and discover and experience other cultures.”

“I lived in Europe for extended periods. Although I realise it requires a lot of sacrifices, the letters made me feel like I am sharing a feeling with someone willing and inspired to take on a new beginning.”

“Moving abroad away from your home country affects all aspects of family life and leads to personal growth.”

“I think that people who have lived abroad will be able to identify and resonate in this way. It also makes you want new adventures and experiences. It enriched me.”

“Your book is about self-development. I like it because I often consider how I can see a topic from a different point of view.”

Valuable treasures and life lessons

“Do not read it too quickly because it contains many precious insights and life lessons, which you should reflect on before you turn the page to the following letter.”

“The book is stimulating, and one should not read it too quickly. One must take a break between chapters to think and reflect.”

“The use of language is generally beautiful and pure. I liked the Time as a Gift chapter the most.”

My hope for the book

My hope for the book is that the right words will reach the right people at the right time. Would you please help recommend the book to people who will find it appealing? I am attaching a book preview if you want to see what it looks like. On the free preview, you can see the first seven letters.

I further hope that I will encourage more people to read eBooks. Our move to Switzerland prompted me to move from printed books to eBooks. I downloaded the free Kindle App on my phone to read my books wherever I go.



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