Lent and Easter during Covid lockdown
14 April 2020
These first few months of 2020 are going to get the a place in the History Books. Although not easy, it is a privilege to be a part of this history. We must challenge ourselves to write down our own personal experience of these times to share with the generation yet to be born. I read an interesting tale of Great Flu in 1918 on Facebook that again reminded me of the importance of stories.
It is very ironic that this time of restraint coincides with the time of suffering before Easter. At a soul level we are forced to be quiet and are stripped of everything that distracts us from the things we tend to focus on.

Good Friday in Welgemoed
In Welgemoed the illuminated cross on Tygerbergheuwels was synonymous with Lent and a good awareness of this special period on the church calendar. At sunrise on Good Friday, congregation members walked together to the illuminated cross. Everyone had time to be quiet alone after which we sang together and read from the Bible. Last year was emotional because we knew it was our last time, we would do it that way. It was shortly before Charl would fly to Zurich to make his new start and I had to wrestle further with real estate agents and moving boxes.

Easter in a new country
I was wondering what Easter would be like in a new country. I was hoping to attend one of the church services in an old church with the Swiss people. I believe that fellowship can be experienced with people who have grown up differently and speak a different language, because we serve the same God. Now we are going to celebrate Easter in isolation worldwide and attend the various church services on Radio, TV, or YouTube in our own mother tongue. There is something of a global community that is special in its own way.

The Easter eggs on the trees full of blossoms and buds, are so symbolic of new life. Our humanity has come to a standstill, but Mother Nature is continuing with her normal cycles. I was looking forward to taking beautiful photos of spring in Switzerland. However, I had to be content with photos of the gardens of houses near us. Hopefully, next year I can take pictures of the cherry blossoms in Berta street, Zurich with my own camera.

I was relieved to see that the Lindt Easter Bunny was at least not barred, like the rest of non-essential items. There is a large variety of Easter eggs and the most beautiful chocolate Easter bunnies for sale. Easter feels slightly pushed into the background in these uncertain times.

We miss the traditional hot cross buns we are used to, and which are not available here at all.
Kind regards